What do the “Developers” want?

One of the excellent problems of being a developer is doing your own time management. While creating these, I tried more than one method and I was able to shape the most efficient one for myself. Let’s say I want to be a developer. How do I start? Where do I continue? It can be a little difficult to answer this question.
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So, if we go back to our first question, what does the developer want?
Even though they are not that disciplined, the developer wants to make more money by working less, but is this possible?

The reason is that there are so many alternative technologies and alternative forms of learning that people do not know where to start at many points. Knowing which roles you can take, what you can do out of these roles, which of them is more valuable and how you can sustain this in the long run. Humanity is really very indecisive and needs to realize that there is a lot to learn. Especially as a developer, when they get involved in teamwork within a project, the subject changes towards a vital point.
A problem for the developers who are in collaboration is that the adaptation process for the team can be realized in the long term, not in a short time. There are many ways to break this subject, and there are many methods of improving the source information learned about this subject. But there are a lot of topics to discuss which one is more efficient or not. In short, to be a developer, you need to ask a lot of questions and get quality answers to realize they are on the way. Yes, in this article, we will come to you by mentioning them.
I should immediately make money with what I learn because it makes a lot of sense to say I am a developer?
Please do not ask the question of whether you can make a lot of money as a developer after learning a sure thing in software, but you need to realize that it is a way of life and that it is a continuous cycle in your life. Otherwise it can be not easy to learn or continue.
I think about it a little bit like this. I can’t figure it out because you don’t have the slightest idea of what mathematics is at its core.
In other words, when you look at it, the fundamental deficiencies of people appear like a massive mountain on the roads they move on. Understanding these situations is that they are approaching the point of being self-critical, but human beings suffer a little from self-criticism and move forward.
Then, even after a certain maturity and culture are burned, my foundation is lacking in a particular subject, and I have to complete this assurance. But if they had done the supply very well in the first place before embarking on this journey, the developer would never have encountered these problems.
Then let’s say a sentence like this, I know you drink everything you say; if it has minor deficiencies, the most excellent knowledge you have created tomorrow and the next day will slip under your feet without any ground and say goodbye to you.
So, if we go back to our first question, what does the developer want?
When you look at the developer stories, they came from different points, and they may have them. A few of them can be scripted as follows.
Firstly, people who were previously engaged in different professions, who are curious about software and technologies,
Secondly, people who progress by leading an academic life and evolve towards a developer profile,
And third, people who do it because they have to,
In fact, the best part of this profession is that people from different sectors and cultures mix together, it is a beautiful process, but at the end of the day, we may not be very successful in being a team. Developer models from different disciplinary procedures can also bring other conflicts together. The factors we need to pay attention to are being disciplined and providing those standard joint decisions in some developer models.
Most importantly, it starts with being an ethical developer.
A respectful, beautiful, non-aggressive communication.
And making an effort to convey information in a good way without comparing the knowledge of the other person with his knowledge.
In addition, to be able to understand the other person's shortcomings and choose the communication channels correctly to do this correctly.
Because people constantly feel judgmental due to their lack of information, they may act and display emotional resentments.
Based on the profiles you have described above, we can say that developers are not profiles that change professions very quickly and act very decisively on this issue, this issue needs to progress more steadily. Otherwise,
when a developer changes roles constantly, they have learned that as
They have just undertaken the blend of his previous roles. They know that there is tremendous chaos in the role.
Solving it comes from maintaining some discipline.
The most significant factor in the success of many people is to move forward without questioning some things too much and without falling apart in a planned process. But what people usually do is follow a new method, believing that it’s better after following it, and then leaving the things they had before, and moving from the point where they just learned without much knowledge like what they had left.
Even though they are not that disciplined, the developer wants to make more money by working less, but is this possible?
I want to say yes, but having expertise in a subject is not something that will happen in such a short time.
In fact, when you start this adventure, whenever you can’t do something, you go through this library on the internet and complete many subjects at different moments under different topics or without realizing that the primary content is actually a discipline and a point of progress. The reason for this is believing that you can get the information you want from the training series in the video content, by constantly following the example developments in the projects, or by focusing on the favorite topics in the articles I read. We can say that he actually made an effort to learn many subjects.
The effect of doing this is to think that you have completed 1000 pieces every day in your life as if you were playing a puzzle game in the past without your awareness. If you reveal this puzzle completely, you start to call yourself a developer. Unfortunately, in the process of this coming to this stage, time does not flow as you predicted. The shortcoming in this matter is due to your lack of a roadmap. If you stay mentholated on this subject or take part in the communities on this subject, I have really progressed less tirelessly as a developer, and you will have put your knowledge into a discipline. Developers actually want to get the best efficiency as soon as possible. Still, unfortunately, such a reality does not exist because there is a synchronized process from the moment a piece of information is learned to the moment it is implemented. When you check that it is entirely appropriate, a different process emerges.
In short, everything starts with believing that you can really do something, not earning money first. Suppose we had learned something to make money, be sure. In that case, we could do different professions. Being a developer actually does not provide us with this, making money in direct proportion to the knowledge that you have already made the last success of being a developer.
Developers nowadays have started to use too many tools to make quick practical developments. When we see them the most, it turns out that we always prefer them according to the user experience. We realize that the biggest mistake made in the vehicles used is that they require more than one wrestling.
Do not be surprised if the information passed to us with mixed contents of mine does not find us on this subject. Looking at today, the most accurate source can be the front end or back end you always wanted to learn, don’t go out of its documentation. Look after that when you learn it. You can use the tools that will progress more practically.
The main reason for building these tools is the main language you have learned and or the Framework or whatever. It’s there for you to use it faster and more practically.
Many developers are making progress on this because they believe the working conditions are better but are it so?
I came from a different profession. I completely criticized this profession. I faced other challenges in work roles. I learned the tiredness of people with different education and training information. I am aware of all of these. After that, I think that a person who becomes a software developer has an easier life. And then I say yes if I didn’t become a developer, the working conditions really seem easier. So how basic can this idea be that we can’t actually say it’s true.
When people consist of profile developers from different professions, they usually choose their previous jobs because of intense depression, mobbing, stressful working conditions, or because they cannot get the returns they want from the salaries they have earned. This means that their motivation drops very quickly when they encounter the slightest stress in the process of being a developer, which they believe to be more accessible. The point we have to understand is that you are a developer, and the most significant thing you need to learn. You are the best to ensure that you can solve the problem as soon as possible. Considering this, the stresses that people from different professions experience while solving the impact problems that they have created generally push them back a bit in their future role-taking points. The factor in our management of this process is that they need to search for experiences in their past professions quickly. Compliance management is a nuisance when they’re together in developer teams.
What is the expected behavior that people from the beginning have demonstrated as a developer who is OK in their professional life? I can quickly add a comment about their expected behavior by making written and video content so that they can be listeners very quickly, be helpful, share what they know with more than one person so that other people can understand them better in their Communities and in areas where more than one person has found them—sharing feelings. In addition to these, we see that the people who come by changing professions in the previous model are doing their best to spread this developer culture. In our article, I asked something simple, what does the developer want? Always seeing that the profession can be done more quickly, and when this profession is done more efficiently, at a certain point, to be above the point of earning.
When this knowledge and experience come together and manage the resulting process correctly, it already makes a profit as clearly as good developer knowledge. Teams are built with the right managers in their industry. Developments that will further the person's understanding of human resources management and their educational models. It enables information to work more efficiently in less time.
When we look at it again, it’s all about the strategically correct training model, the quick correction of the missing issues, and the team leaders who can mentor him.
Developers already realize that when they are guided, they progress faster and gain more knowledge and experience than when they are alone and take part in projects.
We have shared truth in many places that making and participating in projects is more important than anyone else for a developer’s learning and acquisition speed.

When we put everything we said in a corner, when the developer proceeds with the proper roadmap when he does not remove himself from that roadmap in a disciplined way by ignoring some differences, she/He can shape his own life in a very efficient way. The best way to manage this process is to participate in a project. And when she/he quickly blends the technological requirements brought by that project with their own knowledge that they are involved in the project. It can take on a very productive developer model. One of the best ways to achieve this is to take part in communities, at a point we always say, to focus on the fact that information can be shared and not private and that everyone can gain learning in this regard. Being a good teammate. Disciplined and efficient and realizes that his knowledge will be constantly renewed. And with that, I felt it was ethical.
The most valuable thing that can buy time is knowledge.
A developer needs to understand very well that this is a lifestyle. If he doesn’t understand, what they are going through will be just tiredness.