AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner(CCP) — D1 Journey

Hello everyone,
I know you know me from mobile and multiple platforms. In fact, you see that I defend many processes in many subjects with content.
But the world is changing. We need to adapt to this; our learning and practice will allow us to produce healthier products for the latest improvements.
I believe I’ve made some great content about being a developer. Serving, sharing them with you, and moving them to a better place together is the process I enjoy the most.

I’d like to tell you a little awareness. The developer topic content will start to change in a year or two, and we can catch it early. You know that using cloud systems is now more common, and more than 85% of almost all major projects no longer use their own servers. Maintenance costs, electricity charges, and the tax arrangements imposed by the countries incur many costs.
Many projects are now switching to this system. And are they really right about that?
At first, he really thought it was going to be hard for me to start with something like this.
The biggest handicap of an interface developer like me was how to manage a lot of things in the background.
Yes, I know we need to learn a lot. In fact, maybe we should spend as much time as our entire developer experience.
If you’ve disciplined me before with other learning methods. You’ll be exhausted in any way on this journey, of course, I’ll give you a little advice, and maybe every single process you read about it can be a road map for you.

Table of Contents
The Rise of Becoming an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
The question is, what can it do to us to have one certificate related to this?
Where do I get this?
So what subjects will we be able to pass in this exam?

The Rise of Becoming an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
As the use and popularity of cloud computing have grown, so has the demand for personnel who understand how it works and its fundamental elements. AWS has long been a pioneer in cloud computing and is the most associated platform. The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) program was created to demonstrate that a person has a thorough grasp of AWS, its core services, and how to work in its environment and tools.
To better understand this, with the increase in the number of developers to use the system with the rise of cloud computers, it can be called the busiest plan in the last five years. The reason is that technologies are preferred by companies, allowing developers to evolve towards a new acquisition model. One of them is that I can set an example myself.

The question is, what can it do to us to have one certificate related to this?
At the end of the day, we’re going to manage those cloud machines and we’re going to do the development process.
Obtaining a well-recognized and regarded certification shows employers that you have a specific degree of knowledge and education on the topic it covers. With the fast growth of cloud computing, many employers will be looking for individuals who have a working knowledge of AWS, and the CCP is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate this on your own.
The AWS CCP servers serve as your first AWS certification, putting you on the way to more advanced and specialized certifications available on the AWS platform.
Where do I get this?
Do I have to graduate from a university for that?
The AWS CCP does not need job experience as a prerequisite as a first certification for the AWS platform. At the same time, it is clearly indicated that you have six months of experience working with AWS in any capacity. IT professionals, learners, industry experts, project managers, digital marketers, and even legal professionals may fall under this category. Candidates must also have a fundamental grasp of IT and IT services in order to apply these principles to the AWS Cloud environment.
In order to pass the AWS CCP test, a candidate must demonstrate the key aspects:
- Understand and be able to describe the benefits of AWS Cloud services;
- Understand and be able to explain the AWS Shared Responsibility Model and how it applies to their business or work; and
- Understand and be able to explain security best practices for AWS accounts and administration consoles.
- Understand how AWS handles pricing, charges, and budgets, as well as the tools AWS provides for monitoring and managing them.
- Be able to define the fundamental and popular AWS service offerings across the primary network, computing, storage, databases, and development areas; and
- Be able to propose and justify which AWS core services would apply to real-world scenarios.
Yes, the heart would like that such a process to be free would be nice for all of us. But I think that by presenting us with such a beautiful infrastructure, we are embarking on an information journey that we have identified upon us with a certificate. I know that there is a fee I have to pay for this certificate after I have brought my knowledge to a certain level in the later stages, and it really does not tire me to pay it. Creating such a business area is really efficient for a lot of things. And today, I’ll be opening a lane with you that I can experience.
The AWS CCP exam consists of 65 questions and has a time restriction of 90 minutes. The test now costs USD 100.

So what subjects will we be able to pass in this exam?
The AWS CCP is split into four distinct domains. The distribution of such domains, as well as their weight in the total exam material, are shown below.

Domain 1: Cloud Concepts

Domain 1 will introduce you to AWS and the benefits it may provide for your firm. Before you try to persuade your stakeholders of the value AWS can provide to your business, you must first grasp what AWS is, the value it provides, how it is built and constructed, and how it varies from the traditional data center architecture. This chapter will provide you with a solid foundation and show you how to get started with AWS from the ground up by providing you with a grasp of cloud principles.
Domain 2: Security and Compliance

Domain 2 focuses on how AWS prioritizes security across all services and how it is one of the most visible benefits of choosing a cloud provider. AWS can create incredibly comprehensive security through economies of scale that much outweigh anything any firm could afford or experience to do on their own. This domain will expose you to the cloud providers’ Shared Responsibility Model as well as the major principles associated with cloud security. We’ll go through AWS’s unique implementations of these ideas, as well as the resources accessible to users for security assistance.
Domain 3: Technology

Domain 3 focuses on the AWS Cloud’s technological features. This contains AWS-specific tools and utilities, as well as code development. The core AWS services are discussed, but also their essential characteristics and how they might enhance the on-premises hosting and operation methods that most organizations now utilize. There are several help alternatives for AWS technical components, including a plan of care, documentation, and user forums.
Domain 4: Billing and Pricing

Domain 4 discusses the many pricing models that AWS provide across all of its services, with a focus on the unifying feature that expenses are spent only for resources that are supplied and only while they are in use. Given the complexity of services and all of the possible cost points, AWS provides monitoring tools to estimate, plan, and track consumption of both services and budgets, allowing customers to keep on top of their expenditures. This includes both free and paid AWS services.

The Rise of Becoming an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is a journey to become an Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud developer, and how you can earn a certificate related to this. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) certification shows employers that you have a specific degree of knowledge and education on the topic it covers. The AWS CCP servers serve as your first AWS certification, putting you on the way to more advanced and specialized certifications available on the platform. With the fast growth of cloud computing, many employers will be looking for individuals who have a working knowledge of AWS. The AWS CCP exam consists of 65 questions and has a time restriction of 90 minutes.
Candidates must also have a fundamental grasp of IT and IT services in order to apply these principles to the AWS Cloud environment. In order to pass the AWS CCP test, a candidate must demonstrate the key aspects. The AWS CCP is split into four distinct domains, which the weight of each domain determines. Domain 1: Cloud Concepts introduces you to AWS and the benefits it may provide for your firm. Domain 2: Security and Compliance explain how AWS prioritizes security across all services. Domain 3: Technology examines the core AWS services and their essential characteristics.